Kaitlyn (Connecticut)


I have struggled with severe anxiety. I have PTSD, Lyme, and thyroid disease. These things have kept me from being able to see the hope sometimes. It’s kept me feeling ashamed, guilty, and isolated.

A friend encouraged me to listen to JJ Heller’s music over this past summer when I was struggling so severely. It’s hard to connect with Christ when you’re battling intrusive thoughts and worries. I wasn’t seeing the hope that things would get better. As I started listening to her music it was like God was ministering to me through her songs. I was able to start praying clearly, using the words in her songs, and I was able to start to learn God’s character.

Your music has brought me God’s hope, JJ Heller. Your music has ministered to me in what felt like a hopeless place, your music has shined Christ’s light in my dark world, song by song. Coming home feeling scared and ashamed, and putting on your music to carry me out of my thoughts and into a mind that holds things captive and obedient to Christ, that’s what you’ve done for me. The light shines in the darkness, and your music is that light because Jesus uses it. He uses it for me, and for so many others. Thank you, eternally.